Thepharak Accounting Co., Ltd. began its services on June 3, 2002, and was established on May 22, 2003. We adhere to the principle of conducting business rationally according to accounting principles “delivering services promptly and accurately with a professional standard of quality”. We believe that the accuracy and completeness of financial statements and taxation are the best tools for our clients.

Accounting is not just about recording transactions based on documents. Incomplete documents received from business owners can lead to financial statements that are not effectively usable and lose credibility to financial statement users.

Thepharak Accounting Co., Ltd. is a service provider that emphasizes accuracy and completeness in taxation and accounting. We focus on data analysis, comparisons, observations, and confirming balances are in line with accounting principles.

With over 35 years of experience in taxation and accounting, serving more than 500 clients, we are always ready to offer advice and support to our clients.

Waree Khandee
Tax Auditor/Executive/Founder of the Company

Awards, Certificates, and Educational Speaker Roles

  • Awarded certificates and served as a guest speaker for the Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce. Course: "Starting an Accounting Office" in the year 2004 (B.E. 2547).
  • Served as a guest speaker at the College of Business Administration Technology, Samut Prakan, for the course "Accounting and Taxation in Business" in the year 2011 (B.E. 2554).
  • Served as a guest speaker at Samut Prakan Technical College for the "Special Teacher for Students of the Bilateral Program” in the year 2023 (B.E. 2566).

Core Values Based on Organizational Culture

  1. Creativity and Sharing Opportunities
  2. Ownership Mentality
  3. Integrity and Authenticity
  4. Collaboration and Cooperation
  5. Continuous Pursuit of Knowledge
  6. Wholehearted Effort and Maximum Contribution
  7. Work Hard Party Hard!

Our Services

With over 30 years of experience in accounting and tax systems, you can be confident in the accuracy and quality we provide.

Service Category: Accounting Outsourcing

From diverse and extensive experience, we are capable of providing comprehensive services for businesses in every category.

Our Team

ธัญพิชชา ขันดี (น้องพลอย)
รดาธร ปิยศทิพย์ (ตรี)
อำพร ศรีชา (กะหล่ำ)
ธิดารัตน์ ทาสะโก (แอ้)
รัตนาภรณ์ สารเขียว (แน่)
สมร เติมสวัสดิ์ (หมอน)
พนัสสุดา โมด่านจาก (จูน)
ณานธนัท น้อยนาค (อุ้ม)
ขนิษฐา มาลีลัย (หลิว)
ประภัสสร จันทรเสนา (แนน)
เกศรินทร์ ชิณวงศ์ (เกศ)
กนกอร ถึกมี (ปุ้ย)
ฐาปนี ผลทวี (มด)
จิราวรรณ ทุมวงษ์ (หญิง)
สุวนันท์ พิษณุ (ปิ๊ก)
ศศิภา สนธิเจริญ (เรน)
กนกพร ช้างโต (กิ๊ก)
เฉลิมพร ซอนดอก (พลอย)
เกศสุดา ภูตีกา (ปุ้ม)
กมลชนก แสงพล (ทับทิม)
อัสรา เค้าแก้ว (กิ่ง)
กาญจนา บุญเล็ก (อุ๋ม)
ทัศนีกรณ์ ขาวปลอด (แพร)
นายวิศรุต บุญลอยสง (เก้ง)

" Efficient and Accurate Tax Saving "

Thepharak Accounting Co., Ltd.

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Consultation Services
Accounting-related issues, free of charge!